Millions of people face trafficking of the climate crisis


The recent years have seen a rise in global consumerism and competition due to the climate crisis. While the governments are trying to create a climate of economic growth. The result is that millions of people are forced to leave their homes because of severe drought and powerful cyclones. These people have no place to go, so they are being paid by organized crime gangs in exchange for working on construction projects.

We should not think of these people like slaves. They are working for the same reasons that any person works for money – to survive. They are not illegal or immoral – they are just trying to get by in this world.

Population Increase Leads to Climate Crisis

Over the past decades, there has been a massive increase in the number of people who face environmental and climate threats. The Human Development Report 2015 states that more than half of the world’s population is vulnerable to climate change.

It is affecting every corner of the globe, especially those living in extreme poverty, rural areas, and developing nations that lack basic infrastructures such as water and sanitation facilities.

Impact of Climate Crisis

Scientists from IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development) were among those who found out that 68% of people on Earth face some kind of threat due to climate change. 83% of them on ecological risks like melting ice caps or rising sea levels.

The impacts of climate change, such as the threat to human health and livelihoods, are becoming more and more evident. This has pushed a growing number of women into precarious work.

An estimated 1.25 million women in the world are affected by the effects of climate change today – one-third of which are in developing countries. These women work as porters or domestic workers to generate income for their families, but often do not receive adequate wages from their employers.

We see that environmental concerns and concerns about water scarcity are rising in Ghana. Many people prefer to farm or work as truck drivers as they can earn more money than farming, but because of the rising water shortage, this option is becoming less favorable.

World Bank

The World Bank estimates that by 2050. The impact of the climate crisis, such as poor crop yields, a lack of water. And rising sea levels will affect every single person on Earth. The consequences will be felt at all levels of society – from people who suffer from global warming. To those who are affected by it, and from those who have to deal with its effects to those who have the means to cope.

UN Report

The report shows that the UN must prepare for a global climate crisis. The world has only a few years to avoid catastrophic climate change. From facing a world where coastal cities will be washed away by rising sea levels, worsening drought, and famine.

It is a proven fact that the human race is facing a climate crisis. According to the United Nations, in 2050, global temperatures will rise by 3 degrees Celsius. If this doesn’t change in our lifetime then it will be impossible to avoid a catastrophe that has been predicted for centuries.

Our world runs on energy and electricity. As a result of this, we have been driving cars for years now. But in 2050 there will be no cars left on the road. Because of pollution from these vehicles when electric vehicles hit the market.

In addition to this, there will be no fossil fuel reserves left to power up our machines. Industries today or in future generations time after time! It’s not just climate that we need to worry about – pollution is affecting everyone’s life and health as well.

UK Government Steps

The UK government recently announced plans to set up a body called the Human Rights Commission, which will monitor human rights in the UK. While this is a positive step, it’s not clear how it will be implemented or if the body will have any power.

Activists are fighting for better human rights in India by raising awareness about environmental health issues. Most often, activists use media to communicate their message. They also use social media to spread awareness through photographs or video clips.

However, this medium can be used for other purposes too. For example, activists might create fake stories to reach out across the country and spread awareness about an issue they are fighting for.


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