Monday, March 10, 2025

Weakness of Mr. Mime!

Who is Mr. Mime?

Who is Mr. Mime? What is Mr. Mime weakness? (Also known as Mr. Mime n English) is one of the main characters of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2, introduced in the first episode of the second generation of the series. He is a powerful mime who travels around the world with his group of companions, trying to find other mimes who have disappeared and rescue them.

He is the only mime in the entire game, which means he is not a common Pokemon. Despite this, he has an important role in the plot of the game. He can use the “Magnetic Field” power to attract or repel certain items, and he can use the “Magical Mirror” power to create illusions.

Pokemon and movesets that Mr. Mime will be defenseless against in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

In Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, there are many different Pokemon with the Ghost, Poison, or Steel-composing in their Pokédex. They all have one thing in common – they are all animals that have never appeared in an official video game. However, they will be appearing in Pokémon Black and White 2. Here are the eleven new Pokémon that have them;

  • Empoleon
  • Roserade
  • Crobat
  • Steelix
  • Bastiodon
  • Dustox
  • Drifblim
  • Gengar
  • Mismagius and pre-evolution
  • Skuntank and pre-evolution
  • Bronzong and pre-evolution
  • Spiritomb
  • Lucario
  • Drapion and pre-evolution
  • Toxicroak and pre-evolution
  • Tentacruel

Furthermore, some assaults can be given to Pokemon who aren’t one of those kinds, yet will in any case bargain gigantic harm.

  • A portion of those assaults include:
  • Sludge Bomb (Poison)
  • Shadow Ball (Ghost)
  • Venoshock (Poison)
  • Bullet Punch (Steel)
  • Iron Tail (Steel)
  • Night Shade (Ghost)
  • Lick (Ghost)
  • Poison Fang (Poison)
  • Steel Wing (Steel)

This is only a sample of the more common Pokemon attacks that will inflict severe damage to Mr. Mime in Pokémon Black and White 2. In the end, though, there shouldn’t be any issues with dealing with them.

What is Mr. Mime weakness?


In the first Mr. Mime Weakness, a move called “Dark Pulse” was used on Mew, and it would have done damage to Mew two’s only weakness. It would have given it a 30% chance to confuse. Dark Pulse was never made, though, so the move cannot be used on Mew two. However, if Mew two had learned Dark Pulse, it could be used on any other Pokémon. The only one that would do anything is Gengar, and I’m not sure how well it would do, but you’d have to test it out.


In the second weakness of Mr. Mime, a move called “Thunderbolt” was used on Mew, and it would have done damage to Mew two’s only weakness. It would have given it a 30% chance to confuse. Thunderbolt was never made, though, so the move cannot be used on Mew two. However, if Mew two had learned Thunderbolt, it could be used on any other Pokémon. The only one that would do anything is Gengar, and I’m not sure how well it would do, but you’d have to test it out.

Mew two

This may big weakness of Mr. Mime in which a move called “Confusion” was used on Mew, and it would have caused Mew two to flinch when it was used. Confusion was never made, though, and so the move cannot be used on Mew two. However, if Mew two had learned Confusion, it could be used on any other Pokémon. The only one that would do anything is Gengar, and I’m not sure how well it would do, but you’d have to test it out.


If you use the move, “Earthquake” and have it held on, Onix will explode at the enemy.

While you use the move, “Rock Slide” and have it held on, Onix will jump up and fall back down. If you use the move, “Fissure” and have it held on, it will break through and shoot out water. If you use the move, “Waterfall” and have it held on, it will fall over, and shoot out water. Whether use the move, “Surf” and have it held on, it will use the Surf move and it will shoot out water.


Using the move, “Meteor Mash”, you can hit the enemy with a strong attack, and it will be unable to use any of its moves for a while.

If you use the move, “Confuse Ray”, you will be able to confuse the enemy, and they won’t be able to use their moves for a while.

If you use the move, “Flamethrower”, you will be able to shoot fire at the enemy.

Whether you use the move, “Shadow Sneak”, it will be able to sneak up on the enemy and use the move, “Shadow Ball” on them. If you use the move, “Hone Claws”, it will use the attack, “Quick Claw”.

When you use the move, “Poison Jab” and have it held on, it will use the attack, “Poison Jab”.

Use the move, “Shadow Claw” and have it held on, it will use the attack, “Shadow Claw”.

What is Mr. Mime weakness?

Fought Against Another Team

Mr. Mime had just fought against another team and used his move on them. It is the biggest weakness of Mr. Mime. He then goes back to the lab and goes to sleep. As he is sleeping, he dreamt of being attacked by a Pokemon that looked like him. In this dream, he had an attack, and then woke up. This is why he evolved into Mr. Mime.

Pokemon and moves that will bargain super-powerful harm to Mr. Mime


The Pokédex is another new feature that allows players to see all the Pokémon that have been discovered so far. As you go through the game, you will be able to catch new Pokémon by using the Pokédex to learn their moves, but you can also add the moves you already know to your Pokédex to be used at a later time.

What is Mr. Mime weakness?


If your strategy is to use one of the stronger Pokémon in the first turn and then use an Ice-type move on Mr. Mime, make sure that you have something that can heal the Pokémon because it will also need to heal from the damage that your first move will deal. You also have to keep in mind the possible type of move your foe may use.

For example, if he has a Water-type move, but you’ll want to use a Fire-type move, you also have to be careful not to give him a move that does more than one damage in a turn. If he has a move that does one damage, you can use a move that does one damage.

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